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Upcoming "MSU Lecture" with Prof. Krishanu Rey, 1st of June 2018

On Friday, 1st of June 2018, Prof. Dr. Krishanu Rey, professor at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, India will visit us and will talk about

"Ras-independent EGFR signaling in the neighborhood regulates the germline proliferation and differentiation in Drosophila testis".

The lecture will take place at 3 pm in Building 605,

I. Med. Clinic, Seminar room 0.361.

Spermatogenesis in Drosophila is highly synchronized from the beginning to the end. The progeny of a germline stem cells goes through four rounds of synchronous mitotic divisions followed by meiosis. EGFR signaling in the somatic cyst cells has been reported to control these divisions as well as the onset of meiosis. An investigation in our laboratory suggested that the signal passes through phosphorylation of MAPKinase, ERK, independent of the Ras, Rac, Rho and PI3K activity. Maintaining the synchrony of the divisions is essential for the meiotic onset and further differentiation. Also, we found a novel pulsatile form of the signaling which regulates the rate of divisions during the transit amplification stages. I will discuss these results and their broader impact.

We hope to see many colleagues and interested researchers joining us for an interesting talk!

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